
{5 Colorful DIY Kid Activities}

Boy do I wish I had these ideas two summers ago when a friend's two precious little girls (4 & 6) stayed the weekend with the hubs and I! We did lots of fun activities, but I probably spent more than I should have on crafts, games, and treats. The internet is inundated with fun, easy, and inexpensive ideas for having fun with your kids, it's just a matter of finding a few tried and true tutorials! I've compiled a few here:

{Liquid Sidewalk Chalk}
Domestic Charm

{Jello Playdough Recipe}

{Fluffy Bathtub Paint}
Housing a Forest

Will be trying this one on our little one soon...

{Sensory Bottles}
Pink Pistachio

{Lawn Bowling}
Since our Baby A is too little to do anything with the above actives besides try to eat the contents, I will be looking for opportunities to incorporate these ideas into play-time with friends' children when we babysit!

{love} kacey jane

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