
{Sister Love}

I have a sister.  A little sister, although we mostly feel like we're the same age. We live exactly four hours apart, and I miss her everyday.  We are only a year apart in age, and as little girls we had a lot of fun together (still do).  I would do anything for her and am so thankful she is in my life.  I'm also thankful our mother spent so much sweat and tears trying to help foster a healthy relationship between us.

All of these sister pics bring back a lot of great memories...

The little one is sleeping...
rialee photography

Such a sweet, sweet pic...
Fresh From God Photography

Sisters in vintage...
via Flickr

One big and one little...
Bridget & Lucy Blog

Fiona Andersen Photography

So proud...
rialee photography

This one looks familiar...
via Pinterest

I love this one because it reminds me of Pride and Prejudice...
via Pinterest

Braids and backpacks...
via Maduke.Tumblr

I hope so very much that my little darling has a sister to share special sisterly bond!

{love} kacey jane


  1. This almost made me tear up! ha! The bond between sisters is a very special thing. Some of these pictures definitely remind me of some pictures I have of my sisters and me. <3


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